Autumn Seminar -Informal Lunch Talk

The Autumn 2021 Seminar is hosted by the “Women Researchers in Informatics.

* This time, it is a face-to-face event at the Department of Informatics :)

Title: Informal Lunch Talk

Image may contain: Daytime, Table, Human, Tableware, Orange.

Back to the campus - Informal Lunch Talk

The Autumn 2021 Seminar is hosted by the “Women Researchers in Informatics.”

* This time, it is a face-to-face event at the Department of Informatics :)


Title: Informal Lunch Talk

Time and place: Sep. 15, 2021, 11:45 AM–13:00; food of your own choice will be ordered at 12:00. Forskningsparken - canteen (at the entrance, take the stairs down, and then the right side)

At this autumn semester, after a long time, IFI staff can return to working on-site again. Let’s celebrate this by having lunch together. This event has one primary objective, to rekindle our joy of seeing and talking with each other, welcome new students and colleagues, and start the on-campus work again. In addition, we will talk about our organization and goals and ask a very simple question: How can we help?
And let’s enjoy it together! 

Please do not hesitate to forward this invitation to your female colleagues in the group and your female students, especially the new ones. 

In the case of new COVID-19 measures, we may slightly change the plan accordingly. For example, we can divide the attendees into small groups.

You are welcome to attend the Autumn 2021 WRI event and enjoy it together! 

Please register here:




Published Aug. 19, 2021 1:56 PM - Last modified Aug. 19, 2021 2:44 PM